Thursday 18 August 2011

Thinning new horizons

Err..hello it been a while, some might say its been to long. I would beg to differ. I've been a busy man what can I say.

Now I'm actually writing this on the train from Londinium to Ol' Prestonia (Please note Prestonia has nothing to do with Roman Britain, trust me on this one). I'm more writing this to starve off boredom. Admittedly I have Net book full of films and a rather good book, but I must say neither at the moment intrigues me at all.

Anyway to catch you all up, I say all...what I actually mean is you DB (yes you). Work has done its thing of taking up most of my time, what with random japes to random high seas and random countries. None of them that interesting I can assure you. Seriously there is nothing to do in Salalah (Again trust me on this one) and Boosaaso is not as scenic as I pictured it (Then again who would?).

Not only that my 29th Birthday has crept up ridiculously fast. I mean so fast an person would see it and confirm that it was ridiculously fast and then return to their own toilings. So here I am fretting that I'm almost 30. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. What have I done with my life, in fact why are their several chunks missing (Mostly alcohol related, and general forgetfulness)? Not only that I'm thinning. Some people would say that is a blessing given that I have Afghan Sunset (Ginger) coloured hair. I intend to disagree. For starters due to the fact that I generally have my hair short-ish and well trimmed (There was once a rebellious moment of my life were I tried to grow didn't turn out well) so the thinning is quiet obvious. Now some may say 'oh, how very vain of you' and would be inclined to agree, but this not happening to you and I would also flick you the V's and insist that you stop stating these horrible things about me, how very bloody rude of you.

Of course at the ripe old age of 29 it is the time when many people choose to marry. As to that end two my very close friends have taken themselves down the isle. Of course them being a good friends both chose me to be best man. A captain goes down with the ship and in this case so does the kitchen hand. Both were joyous and wonderful events, the latest one being one of those black hole moments (Why do people insist on buying you beer when you have to be sensible for once?), but the problem I have with being best man is the best man speech. I'm not one for public speaking, sure I brief at work but that's work. I mean come on who takes work seriously? Generally the speech has to be funny, thankfully both my friends have both been drunk in front of me, but that's what gets me. What if I'm not funny? What if I make a joke about a monkey and someones half niece-cousin (Do they exist? Maybe in Norfolk.) is in fact a monkey, weird I know but you never know. So you play it safe with the speech and to be honest everyone said it was great (Both times) but I always think, it could be funnier!

Next time I'll tell you the one about the monkey...till next time (possibly in about 6 months).

P.S I'm not actually on the train now, that was at least two days ago.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Boredom, also known as lazyness

Boredom. Its a funny old thing. Its Saturday afternoon and I should be out enjoying myself. Instead I'm sat here on the couch whilst the 'Better Half' is revising at in the Dining room with the tones of Classic FM and random comments coming from that part of the house.

The Mad Ferret
Anyway to get things back on track. I think the main reason why I'm so bored is due to the fact I'm slightly hungover. Going out for a meal with a bunch of giggling 19 year old girls who also speak in tones that possibly only dogs can hear will drive a man to drink. Now instead of getting rid of the boredom/hangover by going out for a run I find myself sat here what can only described as self loathing. Self loathing has lead to me search the internet to try and keep the boredom at bay, yet hasn't really come up trumps. It has howver revealed the name of a band I saw last night, The Wooden Sky, at the Mad Ferret. A nice Canadian band that in my hazy drunkard mind I likened to a cross between The Strokes and The Black Keys. Although in the clear light of day this may not be the case. I believe a listen to them on Youtube is in order.

Right in order the quell this boredom I shall remove myself from said couch and do something productive. Its just deciding on what to do is the hard part. Till next time Blog world...

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Mmm...Hello Blog world

Mmm... indeed. This being my first blog I will make no apologies for poor grammar and poor spelling (not even in the next forth coming blogs)

Well what to say, I know you're meant to start of with a bang but considering I'm currently off work for two weeks and have just remotely woken up. I can't say this post will be amazing, in fact what I can say is that this post will be hum drum. Rock and Roll.

Well to introduce myself, I am a late twenties male who divides his time between the big smoke of London and the grim North West of England. My aspiration in life so far has been to just wing it and see what happens. Winging it so far seems to have worked out for me as;

  1. I'm still alive
  2. I'll probably be alive tomorrow
  3. I have a job and considering the job market today that is all tickety boo
  4. I have a beautiful loving girlfriend
  5. I have a cat that talks far to much
  6. I have a house
  7. I hopefully won't get caught in an avalanche at any point soon
There is a lot to be said for winging it.Essentially I think this is probably what I'll do with this blog. Wing it. Maybe I'll even write a blog on winging it, however that goes against the theory behind winging it.

So that is me. Now if you excuse me I have to go and make myself presentable as I'm having lunch with the Parents. Having not seen them in six weeks, I think I must make an effort. Don't think I've been avoiding them, I've not been in the country for six weeks.
