Tuesday 15 February 2011

Mmm...Hello Blog world

Mmm... indeed. This being my first blog I will make no apologies for poor grammar and poor spelling (not even in the next forth coming blogs)

Well what to say, I know you're meant to start of with a bang but considering I'm currently off work for two weeks and have just remotely woken up. I can't say this post will be amazing, in fact what I can say is that this post will be hum drum. Rock and Roll.

Well to introduce myself, I am a late twenties male who divides his time between the big smoke of London and the grim North West of England. My aspiration in life so far has been to just wing it and see what happens. Winging it so far seems to have worked out for me as;

  1. I'm still alive
  2. I'll probably be alive tomorrow
  3. I have a job and considering the job market today that is all tickety boo
  4. I have a beautiful loving girlfriend
  5. I have a cat that talks far to much
  6. I have a house
  7. I hopefully won't get caught in an avalanche at any point soon
There is a lot to be said for winging it.Essentially I think this is probably what I'll do with this blog. Wing it. Maybe I'll even write a blog on winging it, however that goes against the theory behind winging it.

So that is me. Now if you excuse me I have to go and make myself presentable as I'm having lunch with the Parents. Having not seen them in six weeks, I think I must make an effort. Don't think I've been avoiding them, I've not been in the country for six weeks.
